Rare Book School Shares Summer 2023 Lecture Series

Rare Book School's 2023 summer’s lecture series gets underway on June 5 at the Dome Room, UVA Rotunda with S. Max Edelson, Professor of History, University of Virginia, talking on The Surveyor’s Eye: Topographic Mapping and the Contest for Empire in Eighteenth-Century British America in the NEH-SHARP Living American History in Primary Documents Lecture.
The series will take place at the University of Virginia, as well as special lectures at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Grolier Club in New York City. All lectures are free and open to the public and unless noted take place at 5.30pm ET. Lectures are 30–40 minutes in length with approximately 10 minutes for Q&A, and will be followed by a reception. RSVPs are not required. Lecture recordings will be made available by fall 2023.
* June 7, Auditorium, UVA Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Librar,y Leah Price: Distinguished Professor & Director, Rutgers Book Initiative, Rutgers University, on Reader = Inessential Worker: Book History After Lockdown
* June 12, Dome Room, UVA Rotunda Barbara E. Mundy: Robertson Chair in Latin American Art, Tulane University, on Books in the Contact Zone: Between Amatl Papers and the Printing Press, Mexico 1500–1600 (The Sol M. and Mary Ann O’Brian Malkin Lecture)
* June 12, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania Libraries (Philadelphia) Claire M. L. Bourne: Associate Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University, on Beside/s Milton: Other Histories of the Free Library of Philadelphia’s First Folio
* June 14, Auditorium, UVA Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Walter O. Evans: Celebrated Collector of Frederick Douglass and of African American Art on Why Collect? (The 2023 Kenneth W. Rendell Endowed Lecture)
* July 12, Auditorium, UVA Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Jeffrey Makala: Associate Director for Special Collections & University Archivist, Furman University Libraries, on The Lives (and Afterlives) of Stereotype Plates in the 19th-Century United States Booktrade (The 2023 Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Lecture on the History of the Book Trades)
* July 19, SPECIAL START TIME: 6.30pm, The Grolier Club (New York City), Joshua O’Driscoll: Associate Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, The Morgan Library and Museum, on Nuns at Work: The Poor Clares as Makers of Books in Gothic Cologne
* July 26, Auditorium, UVA Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Craig Welsh: Associate Professor of Communications & Humanities, Penn State Harrisburg, on The Typesetting and Designs of the Declaration of Independence Broadsides
* July 31, Dome Room, UVA Rotunda Kailani Polzak: Assistant Professor of History of Art and Visual Culture, University of California, Santa Cruz, on Pacific Encounters in Print: Revisiting James Cook Voyage Publications (The Kress Foundation Art of the Book in Europe Lecture)
More details at the lecture site here.