July 29, 2011 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Bromer Booksellers

Catalogue Review: Bromer Booksellers, No. 136

catalogs_136.jpgThis catalogue from Bromer Booksellers of Boston, Massachusetts, is subtitled "211 Items Under $2,011." It's an eclectic mix of books, photography, artwork, and ephemera, and is strong in science fi and dystopian literature. Indeed the first entry of the catalogue is a newly published edition of Aun Aprendo: A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writings of Aldous Leonard Huxley compiled by David J. Bromer. The deluxe limited edition is $350, while the trade edition from Oak Knoll is $125. This complements several entries of Huxley material near the middle of the catalogue -- such as a presentation copy of Texts and Pretexts from 1935, inscribed to Anita Loos ($500). Isaac Asimov also makes a few appearances, notably a presentation copy of his first book, Pebble in the Sky ($1,000).

As any good New England bookseller should, Bromer has a good selection of Robert Frost -- pamphlets, first editions, a photograph of him c. 1950 (for $250), and a presentation copy of A Further Range ($850). Edward Gorey also has more entries than most, and one of the more interesting is a program and ticket for the 1995 Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair, featuring Gorey's illustrations and signed by him ($250). A book collector's collectible if ever there was one!

Miniatures are another specialty of the shop. A rare 1844 miniature of the sermon The Marriage Ring; or The Mysteriousness and Duties of Marriage for $500 is a highlight. Some juveniles, including an 1830 Punch and Judy for $1,500, round out this fine selection of books.

It would be great to see the press photo of Hemingway with Fidel Castro c. 1960 that Bromer is offering for $250, or one of the Barry Moser etchings or drawings (his original pencil drawing of Truman Capote is $850), but sadly no interior photos in this catalogue. Their addition of an index is meritorious, however, and reminds me that I ought to mention the good amount of fine press that is here, as well.