Rare Books &c. at Auction This Week

Titles from a lot of 53 English editions of P.G. Wodehouse books offered together at Bonhams this week as part of the David Lloyd Collection of Modern Literature.
Here are the three sales I'll be watching this week:
The online sale of the David Lloyd Collection of Modern Literature, Part II at Bonhams Los Angeles ends on Wednesday, August 10. The 343 lots include a first edition of Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), with the rare dust jacket (restored here), estimated at $10,000–15,000. A first edition of Ian Fleming's The Man With the Golden Gun (1965), one of 940 copies with a golden gun stamped on the upper cover, could sell for $5,000–7,000. Estimated at $4,000–6,000 is a first edition of Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory (1940). A 1935 George Gershwin letter to an Associate Press reporter mentioning Porgy and Bess is expected to fetch $2,000–3,000. There are some nice group lots to be had, too.
At Heritage Auctions on Wednesday, Depth of Field: Photographs, in 161 lots. Among the photographs up for sale are Lillian Bassman's Toreador and Barbara Mullen (1950), estimated at $2,000–4,000; Ruth Bernhard's Classic Torso with Hands (1952) and Classic Torso (1952), each estimated at $2,500–3,500; and The Photography of N. Jay Jaffee Portfolio (printed 1993), estimated at $2,000–3,000.
On Thursday, August 11 at PBA Galleries, Americana – Travel & Exploration – World History – Cartography, in 461 lots. The 1829 four-volume Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, from the Papers of Thomas Jefferson edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph is estimated at $5,000–8,000 (do note the condition description). A copy of the ten-volume Manuscript Edition of The Writings of John Muir (1916–1924) with a manuscript leaf from Muir's The Mountains of California rates the same estimate, as does Alexander Mackenzie's Voyage from Montreal (Philadelphia, 1802). George Dixon's Voyage Round the World (1789), a third edition of Charles Wilkes' Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition (1845), and J.H. Triggs' History and Directory of Laramie City, Wyoming (1875) are each estimated at $4,000–6,000.