December 16, 2011 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Ken Sanders Rare Books

Catalogue Review: Ken Sanders Rare Books, Holiday Catalogue, #43

Sanders.pngLocated as they are in Salt Lake City, it's no wonder that Ken Sanders is a primary resource of antiquarian books related to the West, Utah, and Mormonism. And those areas are well represented in this newest catalogue, with second, third, and fifth editions of the Book of Mormon (all at $40,000 or above), as well as a Brigham Young signature ($3,000), and other related items.

But it is some of the other categories that elicited by interest. Wordless novels, for example. I find that an intriguing area, perhaps because as our winter issue goes to press with an article about Lynd Ward, it's at the forefront of my mind. And here he turns up on page 30 of Sanders' catalogue--a limited edition of Ward's first novel in woodcuts, Gods' Man, published a year after its original publication in 1929. Signed by the author ($1,500). Another of Ward's wordless novels, Mad Man's Dreams, is also here in a very good first edition inscribed by Ward ($450), as well as two books from the 1930s with Ward illustrations.
In children's books, Margaret Wise Brown's Little Fur Family with its original rabbit fur dust jacket would be fun to see and touch ($400). In miniatures, I was glad to spot book artists Peter and Donna Thomas' miniature book containing the text from the Turtles song, "Happy Together" ($100). That sounds like a neat little gift (note to husband).

Sanders also has a collection of books from Edward Abbey's library, mostly of Abbey's own works, signed, but also including a signed first edition of Sherman Alexie's The Man Who Loves Salmon ($300) and Abbey's childhood copy (signed) of Thomas DeQuincey's Confessions of an English Opium Eater ($2,000).

Cormac McCarthy, Louis L'Amour, Larry McMurtry, Wallace Stegner, and so many other heavy hitters are here in signed editions, plus some presidential documents, some science, some architecture. You must take a look for yourself, and pick up a holiday gift.