Artists' Books Opens at the Boston Athenaeum
The Veil, Julie Chen. Berkeley, California: Flying Fish Press, 2002. Athenaeum purchase, John Bromfield Fund, 2003.
Artists' Books: Books by Artists opens today at the Boston Athenæum's Norma Jean Calderwood Gallery.
Selected and organized by Stanley Ellis Cushing, curator of rare books and manuscripts, this is the first public display drawn entirely from the Boston Athenæum's artists' book collection. The work of Russell Maret, Laura Davidson, Donald Glaister, and Xu Bing are among those on display, as well as those pictured here and more.
No Quarter Given, Christopher Wilde. Brooklyn, New York: Artichoke Yink Press, 2003. Athenaeum purchase, John Bromfield Fund, 2004.
In a press release, Cushing was quoted: "It's a fun show, a fun collection. If you like books, I think it's going to be irresistible. I want it to appeal, I want to surprise people. They don't know they like artists' books yet."
Browse more books here. The exhibit runs through March 3, 2012. If you're in Boston for the book fairs next month, don't miss it!
Artists' Books: Books by Artists opens today at the Boston Athenæum's Norma Jean Calderwood Gallery.
Selected and organized by Stanley Ellis Cushing, curator of rare books and manuscripts, this is the first public display drawn entirely from the Boston Athenæum's artists' book collection. The work of Russell Maret, Laura Davidson, Donald Glaister, and Xu Bing are among those on display, as well as those pictured here and more.

Browse more books here. The exhibit runs through March 3, 2012. If you're in Boston for the book fairs next month, don't miss it!