Current Events & Trends | September 11, 2023 | Jeremy Dibbell

Yeats Letter, Comic Art, and Early French Books: Auction Preview

Image: ALDE

Illustration from Athanasius Kircher's Turris Babel, sive Archontologia (1679), offered at ALDE this week.

Here are the sales I'll be watching this week:

At New England Book Auctions on Tuesday, September 12, 210 lots of Fine Books & Ephemera.

ALDE sells 386 lots of Livres Anciens on Wednesday, September 13, including a 1542 French edition of Boccaccio's Filocolo, which is expected to sell for €4,000–5,000. Other lots include a deluxe 1793 edition of Cervantes' Galatée, a 1537 edition of Caesar's Commentaires, and a 1556 edition of Vitruvius, all estimated at €3,000–4,000, and a copy of Athansius Kircher's Turris Babel (1679), expected to sell for €1,500–2,000.

At Purcell Auctioneers on Wednesday, 713 lots of Irish Interest Books, among which are a copy of W.B. Yeats' Poems, 1899–1905 with an inserted Yeats letter; this is estimated at €1,200–1,500. A rare hurling program from the 1940 Munster Championships is expected to fetch €750–1,200.

From Thursday to Sunday, September 14–17, Heritage Auctions sells 1304 lots of Comics & Comic Art, including Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer VI (1990), which has a reserve of $1.5 million. Fred Ray and Jerry Robinson's original cover art for Detective Comics #58 (1941) starts at $225,000.