April 17, 2015 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Talk on Famous Schoenberg Manuscripts, Tampa, April 19

Averybook.jpgThe famous Schoenberg Collection of Pre-Modern Manuscripts, a 2011 bequest to the University of Pennsylvania Libraries and valued at about $20 million, will be the subject of a roundtable discussion at the University of Tampa Library, April 19, 2015, at 1:30. Sixty-five selections from the collection were on show from Jan-Feb 2015, at the Selby Gallery, Ringling College of Art & Design.

This event was initiated & organized by Dr. Maureen E. Mulvihill (Princeton Research Forum, Princeton NJ; Vice President, Florida Bibliophile Society).  

Here is her Schoenberg event webpage (mark of the Cuala Press, Dublin, displayed at foot of page) ~

Image: Book of Hours, c. 1475-1500. Courtesy of the Florida Bibliophile Society.