Reagan Letter that Calls on God and Lincoln Sells for $14,492

BOSTON, MA—(June 18, 15) A typed letter from Ronald Reagan sold for $14,492, according to Boston, MA based RR Auction.
The one-page letter as president signed “Ron,” on White House letterhead, and is dated November 21, 1988. Letter is to the Reagan-supporting Democrat Phil Regan. In part: “You are so right about having the Lord’s help. I know my prayers were heard, and sometimes I called on Him so often I worried that He might get tired of hearing from me. I have come to understand Abe Lincoln’s words when he said, ‘I could not stand this job for 15 minutes if I did nor believe I could call on One who is wiser and stronger than all others.”
“It’s a beautiful and eloquent example of why Ronald Reagan was truly the great communicator,” said Bobby Livingston, Executive VP at RR Auction.
Highlights from the sale include, but are not limited by:
Ludwig Wittgenstein Archive of unpublished letters from the Austrian-British philosopher, sold for $89,857.
Ludwig Boltzmann Archive of influential early scientists and mathematicians, sold for $29,828.
Claude Monet letter to artist Jules Cheret regarding Manet’s Olympia, sold for $23,072.
Original contract to purchase Graceland, sold for $22,689.
U.S Grant Civil War-dated letter to Major General James McPherson, sold $16,541.
Ernest Hemingway four-page letter, sold for $14,323.
Online bidding for the Fine Autographs and Artifacts from RR Auction began on May 21 and concluded on June 17. More details including a complete list of results can be found online at