Fairs | October 14, 2010 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Manuscripts at Fine Art Show

The International Fine Art & Antique Dealers Show begins next Friday in New York. Dr. Jorn Gunther, who has been in business for twenty years and recently relocated from Hamburg to Switzerland, will exhibit an exclusive selection of manuscripts and early prints as well as miniatures during the week-long event. Among his offerings, "The Hours of Eleonore of Hapsburg," a manuscript on vellum, from France, c. 1460-70, with a well-detailed provenance; a miniature historiated initial B on a psalter leaf from Florence, c. 1410; and a first edition of Robertus Valturius' De re militari (Verona, 1472) with contemporary rubrication in a contemporary sheepskin binding. A woodcut illustration from this last piece seen here, courtesy of Gunther