December 7, 2015 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Hemingway Film Screened in Havana

Papa.jpgThe Ernest Hemingway biopic, Papa, which premiered in Boston in November, debuted at the Havana Film Festival this past weekend. Based on an autobiographical script written by Denne Bart Petitclerc, Papa stars Giovanni Ribisi as a journalist who travels to Cuba in the 1950s to meet the writer he idolizes, who is played by Adrian Sparks. Their budding friendship is set against the revolution that is beginning to unsettle the country.   

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Papa is the first Hollywood feature to film on location in Cuba since the 1959 coup. Scenes were shot in Hemingway's home Finca Vigia and other Hemingway hangouts including La Floridita restaurant and Ambos Mundos Hotel. "It was an absolute passion to actually make it in Cuba where everything that is in the script happened, where the finca (farm) is where (Hemingway) lived, where his boat was, all the spots from the Morro castle to Cojimar where he fished," director Bob Yari said.

If those places sound familiar to FB&C readers, it's because we too traveled to "Hemingway's Havana," back in our winter 2015 issue.

Image via IMDb.