Crowdfunder Set Up as Maui Fires Destroy Vintage European Posters

Vintage European Posters GoFundMe

The Vintage European Posters gofundme

Wildfires which ripped through the Hawaiian island of Maui this month have also destroyed the Vintage European Posters gallery run by Alan Dickar on Front Street in Lahaina for more than two decades.

A Go Fund Me page has now been set up for anybody wishing to donate, the majority of the funds going to help the gallery's staff.

A statement from VEP described the gallery as a "second home and second family" to the staff, all but two of whom have lost their homes and all their personal belongings. "We have received an incredible outpouring of kind messages and requests to help," it continued. "Our loss is only one of many from the fire and there are others who not only lost their livelihood but also family members... Our road ahead to recovery won’t be easy. So with the utmost gratitude, we graciously accept any assistance. Our gallery now lives on amongst all of you in your homes and businesses with your treasured posters serving as a reminder of a special time in life when you visited our humble gallery and probably weren’t expecting to buy a poster of all things but fell in love with them. Many of you continued to return with every visit. Thank you for your continued support, love and compassion."

More details at the VEP gofundme page here