Contest Results!

For the past two weeks, we've been running a contest on our Facebook page. We asked our fans to tell us in 420 characters or less why his/her collection is fantastic. Then, instead of our judging the entries, we asked our 520+ fans to do it, by voting for their favorite entries. Overall, we had six contestants, and many more who participated by voting. The winning entry was written by collector David Spilman of California, in 414 characters (not including spaces -- boy, was that close!). Congrats, David! Here it is:

I collect Heroic Era + (1895 to 1940) Antarctic Books of Cook, Scott, Amundsen, Shackleton, Mawson, Byrd & others. In addition to these core books, I have added many books by other members of the major expeditions. I also read my collection that gives me a greater sense of the courage and hardships of these explorers. My goal is a comprehensive collection first edition books of early 20th Century exploration. I hope to use this collection and knowledge to teach courses in my Community College.

To read the other entries--fantastic collections, all of them, including bookbinding manuals, first editions of Jane Austen, etc.--stop by our Facebook page
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