June 17, 2010 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Bookplates at UVA

A fun Friday read about historian James Goode's bookplate collection, now on exhibit at the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library and the Rare Book School in Alderman Library through July 29.

From the article in the University of Virginia Magazine:

Goode's exhibit, titled "Three Centuries of American Bookplates," opens a window on a pastime--and for some a passion--that dates to the immediate aftermath of the printing of the Gutenberg Bible in 1455. One of the prizes in Goode's collection is a circa 1500 bookplate by German artist Albrecht Durer. "He was one of the first professional designers to make bookplates, and he made about a dozen," Goode says.

There's also a neat 4-minute video clip of Goode describing his collection. Enjoy!