Banned Books Week Coming Soon
Banned Books Week is scheduled for September 26th- October 3rd, 2009.
Every time we think that banning books in the United States is a thing of the past, we are sorely reminded that there are still many who believe that removing books from book stores and library shelves will make the social issues that the books represent go away and that the world will be a better place.
The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression is fighting the good fight for retailers.
"The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression is the bookseller's voice in the fight against censorship. Founded by the American Booksellers Association in 1990, ABFFE's mission is to promote and protect the free exchange of ideas, particularly those contained in books, by opposing restrictions on the freedom of speech; issuing statements on significant free expression controversies; participating in legal cases involving First Amendment rights; collaborating with other groups with an interest in free speech; and providing education about the importance of free expression to booksellers, other members of the book industry, politicians, the press and the public."
The American Library Association (ALA) is the advocate for public and private institutions.
The ALA's website has an excellent article about Banned Books Week. Within, the ALA's Intellectual Freedom Manual (7th edition) is cited:
"Intellectual freedom can exist only where two essential conditions are met: first, that all individuals have the right to hold any belief on any subject and to convey their ideas in any form they deem appropriate; and second, that society makes an equal commitment to the right of unrestricted access to information and ideas regardless of the communication medium used, the content of the work, and the viewpoints of both the author and receiver of information. Freedom to express oneself through a chosen mode of communication, including the Internet, becomes virtually meaningless if access to that information is not protected. Intellectual freedom implies a circle, and that circle is broken if either freedom of expression or access to ideas is stifled."
Go to the Banned Books Website for more information and to sign up your library or bookstore for participation.
BANNED BOOKS WEEK September 26 - October 3, 2009
American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression
275 7TH Ave Rm 1504 New York, NY 10001
Contact Info: Jamie Chosak Program Director (212) 587-4025
Mug Shots of the Usual Suspects
Every time we think that banning books in the United States is a thing of the past, we are sorely reminded that there are still many who believe that removing books from book stores and library shelves will make the social issues that the books represent go away and that the world will be a better place.

The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression is fighting the good fight for retailers.
"The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression is the bookseller's voice in the fight against censorship. Founded by the American Booksellers Association in 1990, ABFFE's mission is to promote and protect the free exchange of ideas, particularly those contained in books, by opposing restrictions on the freedom of speech; issuing statements on significant free expression controversies; participating in legal cases involving First Amendment rights; collaborating with other groups with an interest in free speech; and providing education about the importance of free expression to booksellers, other members of the book industry, politicians, the press and the public."

The ALA's website has an excellent article about Banned Books Week. Within, the ALA's Intellectual Freedom Manual (7th edition) is cited:
"Intellectual freedom can exist only where two essential conditions are met: first, that all individuals have the right to hold any belief on any subject and to convey their ideas in any form they deem appropriate; and second, that society makes an equal commitment to the right of unrestricted access to information and ideas regardless of the communication medium used, the content of the work, and the viewpoints of both the author and receiver of information. Freedom to express oneself through a chosen mode of communication, including the Internet, becomes virtually meaningless if access to that information is not protected. Intellectual freedom implies a circle, and that circle is broken if either freedom of expression or access to ideas is stifled."
Go to the Banned Books Website for more information and to sign up your library or bookstore for participation.
BANNED BOOKS WEEK September 26 - October 3, 2009
American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression
275 7TH Ave Rm 1504 New York, NY 10001
Contact Info: Jamie Chosak Program Director (212) 587-4025