December 2012 | Nate Pedersen

Edinburgh Book Sculptor Returns

Do you remember the Edinburgh book sculptor?  We reported on this mysterious artist last year, when she began leaving intricate book sculptures in literary spots around Edinburgh.  Over a year later, we still know virtually nothing about the artist, except that she is a "she" and that she loves books. After hiding ten sculptures around Scotland's capitol city, the artist disappeared again, protecting her anonymous status.

The artist struck again last week during "Book Week Scotland," when the whole country celebrated its strong literary heritage. The Book Sculptor also expanded her scope beyond Edinburgh by secretly depositing sculptures in literary hotspots around the country.

Last Monday, a piece inspired by Alasdair Gray's Lanark was discovered in the Glasgow School of Art.

reading-sculpture-gray.jpg On Tuesday, the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum uncovered a sculpture based on the poem Tam O'Shanter.

reading-sculpture-burns.jpgWednesday brought the discovery of a sculpture in a pub on the remote island of Eriskay.  The piece was inspired by Compton Mackenzie's Whisky Galore.

reading-sculpture-whisky.jpgA piece based on Peter Pan was found on Thursday at J M Barrie's birthplace, Kirriemuir.

reading-sculpture-pan.jpgFriday brought the final piece of the celebrations: a scuplture inspired by Stevenson's Treasure Island unveiled at the Scottish Seabird Center in North Berwick, a coastal town near Edinburgh.

reading-sculpture-treasure-.jpgAnd so five more of this mysterious artist's sculptures have been shared with the world, bringing the grand total to fifteen.  They are all lovely pieces, backed by some brilliant guerilla art tactics. Here's hoping we can look forward to another round next year. 

[Photographs by Chris Scott at the Scottish Book Trust]
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