Rare Books LA to Host James Joyce Panel Discussion

“James Joyce; great authors from the Time Reading Program,” poster, ca. 1965.
Pasadena, CA — Rare Books LA is hosting a free panel discussion: THE NOVEL OF THE CENTURY: Reflecting on James Joyce’s Ulysses on the 100th Anniversary of its Publication.
Thursday, January 27
1 pm PT / 4 pm ET
Ulysses is considered one of the most important works of modernist literature, what does this mean?
Moderator: Jesse Rossa, Triolet Rare Books
Kevin Dettmar, W.M. Keck Professor of English; Chair of Theatre and Dance; Director, The Humanities Studio; and editor of a forthcoming three-volume work on the unpublished letters of Joyce
Colleen Jaurretche, Continuing Lecturer in the Department of English, University of California, Los Angeles
Catherine Flynn, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley, and co-host of U22, a readers' journey through Ulysses
Presented by Rare Books LA with support from our sponsor Biblio.com.
Registration is FREE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-novel-of-the-century-reflecting-on-james-joyces-ulysses-on-the-100th-tickets-238040023117?aff=exlibris
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