News | December 26, 2023

Anne Hathaway’s Cottage Opening Date Brought Forward

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Anne Hathaway's cottage

Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, the family home of William Shakespeare’s wife, is set to reopen to visitors on 10 February 10, 2024, as the start of a campaign to celebrate The Women Who Made Shakespeare.

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (SBT), the learning and heritage charity charged with the conservation of the Shakespeare family homes, are inviting visitors to explore the iconic heritage site earlier in the season and walk in the footsteps of Anne Hathaway.

Together with Shakespeare’s Birthplace, Anne Hathaway’s Cottage will be open from February 10, seven days a week 10am-4pm, extending to 10am-5pm from March 16 until 27 October, 2024. The SBT extended the opening period following increased interest from visitors eager to explore the beautiful 15th-century cottage, its stunning orchards and gardens, and make the most of their experience visiting the Shakespeare family homes.

‘’The change in opening patterns is a response to the increasing demand from our visitors around the world who are eager to explore the cottage," said Sam Smith, Head of Operations at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. "With the launch of our new, multi-year theme, The Women Who Made Shakespeare, and with half-term and the Chinese New Year celebrations fast approaching, there could not have been a better time to reopen the cottage. The extended season will provide more visitors with the chance to explore what life was like for young Anne Hathaway and what helped shape her into the woman she became. Our team is busy preparing a range of interactive and immersive events and activities to mark the theme.’’

In celebration of the new multi-year theme, the SBT is planning a wider programme of activities and special events across its properties and online during the year, with further details to be announced.