Lionheart Online Auction

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

For the Eclectic Collector - 150 Remarkable Autographs by Emperors, Revolutionaries, Presidents, Composers, Aviation Heroes, a Sadist and a Saint
Sale #14

Our upcoming auction, which includes 150 Fascinating Autographs in all fields will include a collection of important autographs from famous women including:

Autograph Manuscript of Groundbreaking Feminist Theorist Simone de Beauvoir for her Work Les Mandarins

Carl Dreyer's Joan of Arc Actress Renee Jeanne Falconetti, One of Film's Rarest Autographs

Rare ALS from Napoleon's American Sister-in-Law, Elizabeth "Betsy" Patterson Bonaparte

Israeli PM Golda Meir on “the terrible days of the winter 1948 came to life again in my memory, for all their pain and for all their greatness”

Condolence Letter Signed by President George W. Bush & First Lady Laura Bush

American Armless Sideshow Performer Ann E. Leak: “I write poetry & prose, Holding my pen between my toes”

Master Photographer Ruth Orkin Sketches a Self-Portrait

Feminist Head of Austrian Anti-Nazi Movement, Irene Harand, Writes about the Anniversary of “Kristallnacht,” “The Night of Broken Glass”
Plus more eclectic and interesting autographs in all subject areas, featuring a Unique Dreyfus Affair Collection Plus Numerous Lots from Mexican and Israeli History - Our autumn 2021 autograph auction features the most diverse selection of material we have ever offered. Unquestionably, the sale’s outstanding item is the autograph album prepared for Captain ALFRED DREYFUS’ six-year-old son, Pierre, and given him when he turned 20. It includes contributions from many Dreyfusards, beginning with a lengthy inscription written during the Affair by Lieutenant-Colonel GEORGE PICQUART, the French officer who defend Dreyfus and exposed the real scoundrel, Major Esterhazy. The entries, collected over a dozen years, specifically refer to the Dreyfus Affair. Additionally, there is a desirable collection of letters, offered separately, from many of the Affair’s villains, including, MERCIER, HENRY, DU PATY DE CLAM – some even referring to the explosive Affair, including an ALS by the notorious Major ESTERHAZY about his efforts to fight a duel with Picquart! Other lots include more than half a dozen letters by Mexican generals and statesmen who fought for independence; rare, signed photographs of Mexican Emperor and Empress MAXIMILIAN and CARLOTA (inscribed to “the devil” Napoleon III!), and a substantial letter by EMILIANO ZAPATA. Another highlight is NAPOLEON’s spectacular handwritten and signed inventory of the gold coins he absconded with when departing Elba for France to begin his last 100 days as Emperor. There is an abundance of important and unusual letters from Palestine and Israel’s founders, including HERZL, WEIZMANN, USSISCHKIN, JABOTINSKY, TRUMPELDOR, and GOLDA MEIR, plus two significant letters from BEN-GURION to Prime Minister SHARETT and MOSHE DAYAN. We also offer a remarkable letter by President REAGAN deriding the Iran-Contra Affair investigation; free franks of JOHN ADAMS and W. H. HARRISON; plus a beautifully bound collection of presidential autographs from WASHINGTON to EISENHOWER; and a remarkable 1918 typed manuscript about tank warfare by GEORGE S. PATTON. Aviation figures range from EARHART and ORVILLE WRIGHT to a co-founder of Lockheed Aircraft and early African-American aviation pioneers, including the first pilot of color, CHARLES WEYMANN, and the “father” of the Tuskegee Airmen, Colonel JOHN C. ROBINSON, known as “The Brown Condor,” as well as a rare signed photograph of Austria’s first licensed pilot and first female passenger, Adolph and Anna WARCHALOWSKI; plus signed photographs from the world of 19th-century circus history, including the parrot lady, LEODISKA. Rounding out the sale are letters by BIZET, DVORAK, DEBUSSY writing to RAVEL and musical manuscripts from both; SHOSTAKOVICH and WEBER… and we haven’t even described an important letter by LAFAYETTE, rare examples of the MARQUIS de SADE and ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, a letter by FERDINAND de LESSEPS written early on in the Suez Canal project, and CHARLES ROLLS (of Rolls Royce fame) several years before he became the UK’s first aviation fatality. There is also the super scarce autograph of FALCONETTI – the greatest Joan of Arc since the 15th century. Our favorite eclectic example? A letter from the only African-American Jew to serve in the Confederate and Union armies and the great-grandfather of Morton Downey, Jr. – try to find him among the other names! Our sale truly has something for the eclectic collector.


Lion Heart Autographs
330 E. 38h Street, 42-I

New York, NY

40.749672813683, -73.98019

Lionheart Online Auction

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