linda aragoni

For the past eight years, we have checked in with consummate reader Linda Aragoni of the Great Penformances blog for her appraisal of the bestseller list from a ce
For the past seven years, we have checked in with consummate reader Linda Aragoni of the Great Penformances blog for her appraisal of the
While researching my recent posts about bestsellers from 100 years ago (see parts 1
For the past six years, we have checked in with consummate reader Linda Aragoni of the Great Penformances blog for her ap
For the past five years, as the year drew to a close, we have checked in with consummate reader Linda Aragoni of the Great Pe
For the past four years, we have checked in with consummate reader Linda Aragoni of the Great Penformances blog for
It's always an enlightening end-of-year undertaking to dig into the data and ascertain which stories were the most popular with our online readers. News items? Auction previews?