Nuremberg Chronicle
Quite a busy week coming up in the sale rooms. Here's what I'll be watching:
Spring is almost here, and this year, it’s apt to generate more feelings of rejuvenation than ever before—or, at least, in living memory.
Wolf von Lojewski spontaneously bought five leaves from the Nuremberg Chronicle at an antiquarian bookshop in London nearly forty years ago.
New York — When Johannes Gutenberg introduced moveable type to Europe in 1439, he sparked a revolution in the dissemination of knowledge that changed the world for ever.
New York—Swann Galleries closed out the decade with a marathon sale of
New York—Swann Galleries closes out its 2019 fall season with an exceptional sale of Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books on Tuesday, December 17.
This week isn't quite as jam-packed as the last couple have been, but here's what I'll be watching:
I recently found out about Smith&Press, a fairly new independent publisher that is producing incredibly useful translations and handsome facsimile editi