Mark Twain
The Grolier Club will explore the singular wit of American literary legend
A 1788 first edition, thick paper copy of The Federalist has sold at Freeman’s | Hindman’s Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts, Including American
A fine association copy of the rare first edition of The Federalist by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay is among the highlights at Free
Our regular look at the new books that have recently caught the eye of our print and online editors this month.
The Grolier Club has announced its Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 exhibition details which include one hundred years of Billy Budd, Lincoln's life in pr
A letter from 1793 signed by both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson brought $21,780, a first edition of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) sold for $22,990, and a first edit
Bonhams Skinner will close out October with a sale which features important works of
With noteworthy publications and antique materials related to exploration, travel, and the polar regions, Potter & Potter Auctions’ 430 lot Lie
Leading RR Auction's 900-lot October Fine Autographs and Artifacts sale is a complete set of autographs from all 40 signers of the
Autographed material from the Civil Rights movement, art, business, science,