In 1821, Charles Knight -- who one day would attain a modest measure of fame as publisher of works like
One room was abandoned when the piles neared the ceiling, and at some point a subsidence of books blocked the door from the inside, sealing the room off.
Five little puppies dug a hole under the fence and went for a walk in the wide, wide world....
It has been almost seven decades since those words first appea
It has been almost seven decades since those words first appea
In an ideal world, we all would have whatever time and money we need to construct the private libraries of our dreams.
Since the beginning of recorded time, humans have tried to communicate with each other, with varying degrees of success.
Yale University is moving forward with a plan to renovate Bass Library after commencement this spring, but the renovation has irked members of the community because part of the project involve
Everywhere you look there seems to be some product inspired by a unicorn: purple frappuccinos, table l
New Orleans has a rich literary history--William Faulkner, Sherwood Anderson, Walker Percy, and many others called the Big Easy home or featured it in their work.