Let’s dig into the crop of books about books featured in our fall issue’s Editor’s Shelf.
Rick Gekoski is both a book dealer and a writer, often applying his pen and his wit to the cloistered world of rare books, manuscripts, and archives.
It’s the review roundup you’ve all been waiting for: summer 2021’s books about books. Three fiction, two nonfiction, all on the recommendation of the Fine Books team.
By most accounts, Robert E. Hart (1878-1946) was a private man.
Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge (Harvard University Press,
For book collectors, it’s always hunting season. No one knows this better than Kurt Zimmerman, longtime book collector and cofounder of the Book Hunters Club of Houston.
From works of art and missals to wallpaper, German printers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were colorfully creative marvels.
Readers may have noticed something new in our recent issues: a little section up front we call “Editor’s Bookshelf.” It’s a brief list of new or forthcoming books that we think will most appeal to
Even in 2020, the holidays arrive at a fever pitch (at least, that's how I feel), but gift-giving takes on new meaning this year.
It’s that time of year, and sure, buying a book for a bibliophile is generally a good idea, but it can be tricky to pick just the right thing.