University Archives is embracing the revolutionary spirit by offering more than 55 lots of material autographed by Declaration of Independence signe
Declaration signers
Wilton, CT — If the name Button Gwinnett doesn’t ring a bell, you’re in good company, even among many American history buffs.
Dallas, TX — The sign's message was simple but irresistible: "History for Sale" — three words that would lead Carl Przyborowski on a four-decades-long pursuit.
Philadelphia — Freeman’s is thrilled to announce the results of its July 1 single-lot auction, This Important State Paper: Signer Charles Carroll’s Co
Philadelphia—Freeman’s is pleased to announce the sale of a signer’s rediscovered copy of William J. Stone’s 1823 printing of the Declaration of Independence.
Westport, CT – Eager bidders gave a tip of the top hat to Abraham Lincoln in University Archives’ online auction held January 16th.
New York—On Tuesday, April 17, Swann Galleries will conduct a sale of Revolutionary Americana from the Allyn Kellogg Ford Collection, followed by Autographs.