antiquarian book fairs
New York -- The ABAA invites bibliophiles everywhere to join the hunt for rare books and all manner of fine works on paper at the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America’s Virtual Book Fair
New York — The ABAA invites bibliophiles everywhere to join the hunt for rare books and all manner of fine works on paper at the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America’s Virtual Book Fair:
(The following ‘postcard’ was sent to us by Jennifer Phillips, ABAA/ILAB bookseller at Evening Star Books and manager of the Twi
Our annual (free, online, shareable) listing of book clubs, membership libraries, antiquarian and rare book fairs, exhibits, classes, and events might be slimmer this year due to Covid, but as we s
Northampton, MA — We are pleased to announce the 2021 Northampton Antiquarian Book, Ephemera, and Book Arts Fair, our sixth edition, will be Frida
For book collectors, it’s always hunting season. No one knows this better than Kurt Zimmerman, longtime book collector and cofounder of the Book Hunters Club of Houston.
Great Barrington and Northampton, MA - The 2020 edition of the Berkshire Antiquarian Book and Ephemera Fair, due to be held in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on Saturday, July 25th, has been cance
The antiquarian book trade has been adapting to the Internet since Amazon launched its business in 1995, but the COVID-19 crisis has pushed everyone to reconsider their business model and get (even
New York — Until now, book fairs have been the place where dealers and customers came together to buy, sell, and learn from one another.
London — Due to the ongoing uncertainties related to the COVID-19 situation, the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (ABA) has made the difficult decision to cancel their flagship event