Albrecht Dürer

The impact German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer had on European a
The parallels between the business of 15th century printmaking and today’s branding practices are the focus of Art of Enterprise: Israhel van Meckenem’s 15th-Century Print Workshop opening
New York — The Thursday, April 28 offering of Old Master Through Modern Prints at Swann Galleries will feature iconic images from the late fifteenth century through the mid-twentieth century.
Today's lunchtime viewing is a 40-minute overview of Renaissance painter and printmaker Albrecht Dürer's innovations in art with Dr.
New York — Old Master Through Modern Prints are at auction Thursday, May 6 at Swann Galleries.
New York — Early Printed Books are at Swann Galleries Thursday, April 8 with noteworthy publications relating to early printed medical, scientific and travel works, including a selection of incunab
New York — Swann Galleries will offer a live online sale of Old Master Through Modern Prints on Thursday, May 21.
New York — With an offering from the past five centuries, Swann Galleries’s Tuesday, October 29 sale of
New York — The emergence of etching on paper in Europe in the late 15th and early 16th centuries—when the technique moved out of the workshops of armor decorators and into those of printmakers and