book collecting prize

Our Bright Young Collectors series continues today with Gabriel Duckels, winner of the 2021 R
If you enjoyed our summer issue’s “How I Got Started” profile of Denver bibliophile Taylor C.
The 2021 California Young Book Collectors Prize has been awarded to Jessica Camille Jordan o
London — University College London (UCL) has opened submissions for the Anthony Davis Book Collecting Prize, to encourage budding book collectors.
Our Bright Young Collectors series continues today with Rachel Fletcher, PhD candidate at the University o
My favorite part of being a student in Heidelberg twenty years ago was the exploration of local second-hand and rare bookshops.
California — The 2020 winner of the prize is Nolin Deloison Baum of Oakland, California. His collection of culinary high spots is centered around Georges Auguste Escoffier.
London — UCL has opened submissions for the Anthony Davis Book Collecting Prize, to encourage budding book collectors.
Our Bright Young Collectors series continues today with Manon Schutz, of Luxembourg, who recently won the
London — We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2019 ABA National Book Collecting Prize goes to Oxford University student Manon Schutz, for her col