Folio Society

London — In 2019 the Philip K. Dick estate approached The Folio Society with a new idea for a truly spectacular project.
London — The Folio Society is thrilled to publish the first ever illustrated edition of Mario Puzo’s genre-defining The Godfather
London — Gustave Flaubert’s masterpiece Madame Bovary is The Folio Society’s stunning new limited edition.
London — There are few novels as unconventional as The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.
London — Published to mark the 250th anniversary of Wordsworth’s birth, this new edition includes 49 of the poe
London — The Story of Babar follows the incredible journey of le petit éléphant from bedtime tale to one of
London — Frank, radical and unashamedly feminist, Anne Brontë’s ground-breaking masterpiece The Tenant of Wildfell Hall sent shockwaves through Victorian England and remains strikingly mod
Got a kid bibliophile on your holiday list? Or perhaps a Lewis Carroll fan of any age?
London — During Japan’s Edo period, an era in which art and literature flourished, Kitagawa Utamaro (c.1754–1806) rose to fame as one of Japan’s most highly regarded artists and printmakers.