bodleian libraries

Just in time for its Alice's Day celebrations this weekend, the Bodleian Libraries has ann
Chaining your books to the shelf to protect them from light-fingered readers has fallen out of fashion, but maybe it’s time to fall back on another popular medieval solution to thievery: the book c
Franz Kafka's deep insecurity about his work is the focus of a letter coming to Sotheby's in which he describes his problems with writer's block.
Rare salt prints from the dawn of photography made by some of the earliest photographic practitioners are among the Bodleian deposit consisting of more
Bodleian Libraries has announced the acquisition through the Acceptance in lieu scheme of the autograph of
The Bodleian Libraries' new Write, Cut, Rewrite exhibition will shed light on the creative importance of revision in literature.
A new exhibition will explore the lasting influence of Geoffrey Chaucer and
The Bodleian Libraries opens its new Alphabets Alive! exhibition next week focusing on the meeting point of art, alphabets and the book.
Gifts & Books, the new free exhibition at the Bodleian Libraries running through October
The Bodleian Libraries' new Gifts and Books exhibition will explore the importance of giving and receiving books, asking what this apparently s