Les Enluminures

Les Enluminures is pleased to announce the launch of a new version of its text manuscripts website.
Les Enluminures is delighted to announce that Dr. Christopher de Hamel is joining the company as Senior Vice-President, effective September 10, 2014.
November 7 to December 6, 2013 at Les Enluminures, New York—Featuring more than 20 Books of Hours dating from the 14th- through to the 16th- centuries, Les Enluminures’ fall exhibition will
Philadelphia, PA—The Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF) has acquired a rare collection of very early alchemy manuscripts, some dating from before the invention of printing.
Yesterday I posted about my Friday at the Manhattan book fairs.
Next week Les Enluminures gallery in New York City will open a new exhibit. Owner Sandra Hindman wrote in to tell us more about it: 
PARIS — LES ENLUMINURES (www.lesenluminures.com) gallery is bringing a number of exceptional examples of Illuminated Medieval and Renaissance miniatures