When Elizabeth Crawford became a rare book dealer, setting up her first stand at a monthly fair in London in 1984, she was not the only woman in the room, but she was, she recalls, "on her own in t

Book Dealer: Antiquarian & Rare
(775) 322-6657
Zephyr Books, named for the Zephyr winds that blow through the Washoe Valley, (more)
Book Dealer: Antiquarian & Rare
(626) 755-6979
Rare and endangered books bought and sold. 20th Century fiction, children's, (more)
Book Dealer: Antiquarian & Rare
(973) 879-2210
Mountain Gull Trading Company has been in business for over 20 years. We stock many (more)
Book Dealer: Antiquarian & Rare
(815) 382-4303
Specializing in modern first editions of literature, science fiction, and mystery/ (more)