SP Books
SP Books has releasing a facsimile edition of The Rossetti Manuscript notebook with
At the Mountains of Madness, written on the back of letters and other paraphenalia by H. P.
Independent publisher SP Books today publishes a deluxe edition of Truman Capote
The extraordinary manuscript of George Orwell’s 1984 has been published by SP Books in a beautifully bound limited edition.
Paris — Independent publisher SP Books released the only surviving manuscript of John Milton’s Paradise Lost,
Today is publication day for a limited edition manuscript facsimile of John Steinbeck’s National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize winner, The Grapes of Wrath (1939).
Anything with Jane Austen's imprimatur is destined to generate interest, and independent Paris-based publisher
Paris — 150 years after Dickens’s death, June 2020 will commemorate the anniversary of globally beloved author, social campaigner and public figure Charles Dickens.
Éditions des Saints Pères (SP Books) recently reproduced the previously unpublished manuscript edition of J. M.
SP Books has brought together the three notebooks in which Virginia Woolf wrote Mrs Dalloway and published them in one hand-bound manuscript facsi