Russian Illustrations, Christie and Sayers First Editions, Presidential Books: Auction Preview

Northern Pacific railroad travel poster featuring a Thomas Moran illustration of Yellowstone, offered at Potter & Potter this week.
Here are the sales I'll be keeping an eye on this week:
Two auctions at Kedem on Tuesday, November 5: the first is 151 lots of Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection, including a large group of original illustrations by Nathan Altman for a projected 1948 Russian edition of the works of Sholem Aleichem; a 1923 collection of poems edited by Nikolai Aseyev with illustrations by Alexander Rodchenko; and a group of nine children's books by Samuil Marshak with illustrations by Vladimir Lebedev.
The second Kedem sale on Tuesday is 104 lots of Rare and Important Items, including fifty-four pages of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, as recorded by Rabbi Naftali of Nemirov (starting at $250,000); a 1752 Siddur printed at Amsterdam, in a repoussé silver binding (starting at $40,000); and a copy of the 1546–1548 third Bomberg edition of the Mikraot Gedolot (starting at $20,000).
At ALDE on Wednesday, November 6, Livres anciens et du XIXe siècle - De la bibliothèque Daniel Morcrette & à divers amateurs. The 354 lots include a copy of the 1525 Paris Mabrian (€8,000–10,000); the 1566 Œuvres of Rabelais (€10,000–12,000); and a Latin copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle (€40,000–50,000).
Forum Auctions sells 283 lots from the Detective Fiction Collection of John Cooper on Thursday, November 7, with a first edition of Agatha Christie's The Thirteen Problems expected to lead the way at £15,000–20,000. Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Peter Views the Body in the rare dust jacket is expected to sell for £6,000–8,000.
Potter & Potter sell 646 lots of Vintage Posters on Thursday, with Leslie Ragan's 1929 "Chicago / New York Central Lines" poster rating the top estimate at $4,000–6,000. A Northern Pacific rail travel poster for Yellowstone featuring an illustration by Thomas Moran is expected to reach $1,200–2,400.
At PBA Galleries on Thursday, Americana – Travel & Exploration – Jim Hier Collection of U.S. Presidents – World History – Maps, Prints & Views, in 539 lots. A group of three editions of FDR's On Our Way (an advance reading copy, a salesman's dummy copy, and the first edition in Japanese) rate the top estimate at $5,000–8,000. An inscribed copy of Theodore Roosevelt's Fear God and Take Your Own Part (1916) could fetch $4,000–6,000.