Essex Narrative, Royal Residences, Galileo Collected Works: Auction Preview

Engraved portrait of Galileo in a copy of the first collected edition of his works, offered this week at Potter & Potter.
Here are the auctions I'll be keeping an eye on this week:
At New England Book Auctions on Tuesday, January 14, Early Printing, Americana, Architecture, etc., in 202 lots. Some expected highlights include a second issue copy of the 1854 Address to the Legislature of New-York, Adopted by the State Woman's Rights Convention ($600–900); a first edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables ($300–500); and a copy of Charles Jarvis' translation of Don Quixote (1742), estimated at $800–1,200.
Forum Auctions sells 240 lots of Books and Works on Paper on Thursday, January 16, with William Henry Pyne's History of the Royal Residences (1819) rating the top estimate at £1,500–2,000. Filippo Pistrucci's Iconologia ovvero Immagini di Tutte le Cose Principali (1819) is expected to sell for £1,000–1,500. A set of David Bailey's Box of Pin-Ups (1964) could sell for £800–1,200.
At Potter & Potter Auctions on Thursday, Fine Books, Manuscripts and the Collection of Original Art and Signed Children's Books from Dr. J. Robert and Alice Dornish. The 504 lots include Owen Chase's Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex of Nantucket (1821), expected to lead the sale at $15,000–30,000. A first American edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1998) inscribed to Dornish by both author and illustrator could sell for $8,000–12,000; at the same estimate range is a copy of the 1655 first collected edition of the works of Galileo.