lux mentis

Waylaid by the weather, I had only one day to browse both Boston fairs this year. It's an impossible task, but still, I saw many amazing books, manuscripts, and objects.
I spent about seven hours on Friday at the NYABF, which did not allow enough time to see everything or everyone that I wished to, but I did get to see a lot of books and friends, old and new.
For many collectors and dealers, February is a high point in the year -- it offers the chance to browse, buy, and sell at several major book fairs in California, including the
Preparing for my visit to the New York Antiquarian Book Fair later this week, I've perused many booksellers' lists of 'what they're brin
Yesterday was another full--productive, surprising, humbling--day of looking at books.
On day two of the California Book Fair, I began the day by attending a lecture by Professor Adrian Johns, author of The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge